
Current projects:

The goal of the project is to develop and expand algorithms and methodologies facilitating interactive, high-resolution topology optimization including shape morphing, stability, material nonlinearities, dynamics, a.o. multiphysics aspects, as well as manufacturing constraints. InnoTop is a 6 years project running from 2017 to 2023, and it is funded with 31 mill DKkr by Villum Investigators. Professor Ole Sigmund is project leader. Read more about the project.

TopTen - "The next generation of fluid/thermal TopOpt software"

NATEC II - "NAnophotonics for TErabit Communications" - Villum Foundation

Past projects:

NextTop Project - "Holes for the people" - Villum Foundation (Danish only)

The EURI Project  - "Synthesis and Topology Optimization of Optomechanical Systems" - European Young Investigator Award (EURYI)

HyperCool - "Design, optimziation and manufacturing of passive coolers for LEDs"

F-MAT Project - "Functional Material Design" - Ministry of Research, Science and Innovation

Topology Optimization for Reinforced Concrete Structures - Bridging Aesthetical Architecture and Efficient Engineering

Plato-n - Topology optimization for the European aeropace industry

ESOF / House of Future Technologies, Copenhagen 2014

TopAnt - Topology Optimization of Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Miniaturization of Wireless Communication Antennas

FlowHead – Development of optimal design techniques for the automotive industry

Large Scale Topology Optimization - Large scale topology optimisation of multi-physics problems

CASE - Catalysis for Sustainable Energy

The Phonon project