3D interactive TopOpt app for handheld devices and web
Available for various platforms:
iOS: AppStore link
Windows (requires VC++R2012 and VC++R2013)

MATLAB® codes for minimum compliance problems
Simple 99-line Matlab code and
Optimized 88-line Matlab code and
New 99-line optimized Matlab code
Python code for minimum compliance problems:
A 200 line Python code
2D interactive TopOpt app for handheld devices and web
Available for various platforms:
iOS: Direct AppStore link
Android: download
Linux: download & Mac OSX
Windows (requires VC++R2012 and VC++R2013)

Level set topology optimization using density methods with controllable length scales
Free MATLAB® code for the minimum compliance problem. Read more and download the code from here.

TopOptShape App
Seamless combination of interactive topology and shape optimization.
Only available for iOS.

Large scale TopOpt based on PETSc.
Fully parallel framework for very large scale topology optimization. The code is written in C/C++ and allows for general optimization on structured grids.

SimKraft & FFEM (Finger-FEM) applications
Two apps allowing for finger based finite elements.
Available for iOS and Android devices

The TopOpt Game
Available for various platforms:
Windows: download (requires the newest 64-bit versions of the VC++R2012 and VC++R2013)
Mac: download

Matlab & COMSOL codes for photonics and topology optimization
Free MATLAB® and COMSOL codes for TopOpt-based inverse design in photonics.
TopOpt for Grasshopper
Available for various platforms:
Link to Grasshopper project page: http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/topopt
For more on the TopOpt for Grasshopper here at topopt.dtu.dk - click here.
Free Matlab code for buckling based topology optimization code.
De-homogenization using Stream Surfaces
Free C++ program to perform de-homogenization using stream surface extraction.